APRIL 27, 2022
The truths we need to know about mammograms and an alternative solution that is not only accurate but very safe. Mammograms Why are many medical boards, doctors, pharmacologists, oncologic surgeons, health economist and the like all around the globe no longer standing behind mammograms? Because studies performed year after year are proving that compression (i.e. squishing boobs) and radiation to cells have the ability to INCREASE the risk of cancer. Furthermore, biopsies open the protective cell barrier increasing the level of risk and metastasizing capability. When healthy cells undergo the actions mentioned above they become damaged and rely on the health of the individual to heal or eliminate the cells. This is a large task for a healthy women to take on, much less the unhealthy. And even worse if cancer cells are present, they metastasize immensely under these conditions. As if that isn’t bad enough, when a women follows the protocol to have a mammogram performed every six months to a year, she is getting as much radiation as those who were a mile away at Hiroshima! Each mammogram delivers five rads of radiation, which accumulates in the body! No matter what anyone says regarding benefits outweighing the risk, this is NOT true. Mammograms may appear to save lives, but studies show they are just as effective as a self breast exam. This is because the detection time is lacking immensely and results are hugely inaccurate. Much of this is due to dense breast structure in premenopausal women, or estrogen replacement therapy which causes dense breast structure in postmenopausal women. These are major facts which are glossed over by those who support it. Glance over the detection timeline in the image below. By the time cancer is detected via a mammogram the amount of cells impacted far surpasses the means of casual treatment to be eliminated. Chemo or other highly toxic treatments become a must, adding fuel to the forest fire within. And research further proves because of these treatments, secondary cancer is around the corner for so many women. In my practice alone I have five women who are living proof, battling once again for their health. This entire process is part of a multibillion dollar industry, and I’m disgusted to say financial gain speaks louder than our health. The Canadian National Breast Screening Study, which was conducted over the course of 25 years, concluded that 106 of 484 screen-detected cancers were over-diagnosed. The doctors explained that this means 106 of the 44,925 healthy women in the screening group were diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer unnecessarily! This resulted in needless surgical interventions, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or some combination of these therapies. Therefore MANY would argue with those who say a mammogram saved their life, by saying the “cancer” found wasn’t real and therefore you would’ve survived without intervention . . . But I’m not here to debate that subject.
Real detection not just early detection is a must. Therefore it’s time to explore other options.
Thermography is a non-invasive health screening procedure which is radiation-free, compression-free and touch-free. The technology of thermography has the ability to detect physiological changes in body tissue at a very early stage, five to ten years earlier than its competing counterparts. Thermography uses a special medically calibrated, FDA registered infrared camera with highly accurate heat sensors to detect differentials in temperature in the body. Your body’s temperature is displayed graphically on a screen. Normally, our body’s temperature is symmetrical. However, abnormalities, injuries, pains and abnormal pathology changes the temperature of the surrounding tissue. These differences are clearly visible through Thermography. The earlier in life you can have your first exam the better, as comparing scans is highly beneficial for the thermographer. This technology has been around for many years and, due to its accuracy and early detection rate, is growing leaps and bounds in popularity.
Thermography offers three to four different types of scans. Here are a few examples.
• Breast Scan: This thermography scan is recommended two times within the first year. The initial, or baseline, breast study includes a minimum of six edited images of the breast and upper back, an image review and breast health education. A second study is taken again in three months creating the baseline for your personal breast health. These images are used for comparative analysis. Once your baseline is established, annual imaging is recommended to monitor any changes in the breast physiology.
•Half Body Scan This study is suitable for women, men or children. It consists of multiple images of your head, chest, and abdomen. For women, this includes a breast scan. This study will provide insight into the reproductive system, digestive system, breast health, thyroid function, carotid artery function, as well as dental health. Most women choose to have this scan done yearly as part of their annual breast screening. Many men also choose this scan for their yearly screening.
• Full Body Scan: This "full body" scan includes multiple images of your head, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, arms and hands. For women, it also includes an annual breast screen. This scan is used to detect any abnormality from your head to your toes. Many patients choose this study as their annual screening. If you have varicose veins, pain in your legs, cold spots on your body, circulatory issues, inflammation, etc., this is a great “predictive indicator” for anything going on in your body, or anything that could possibly be starting. We can all agree that what matters most is early detection. So if breast cancer awareness is truly all about prevention, then thermography is a better tool hands down. Science is only beneficial if TRUE results are revealed! Our office has recommendations for local thermographers which are very talented and detailed in their findings. If you are a patient of Dr. Underwood’s and Protect Your Earth Suit, they will send our office your results for us to review.
If you have any questions reach out to us! Call: 615-624-4489 Email: Information from the experts: