SEPTEMBER 28, 2018

Each day in our clinics we see patients who are battling with discomfort, disease, and death. These negative patterns do not develop overnight, and for many, they are a result of the types of Food and Beverages being consumed (past or present). Negative ingredients can alter the gut balance in the body and make way for disease processes to settle in. The majority of the immune immune system resides in the gut, however, the skin, tonsils, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, white blood cells, and bone marrow house the rest. When the body begins to show signs of imbalances in areas of the immune system, is it important to take immediate action, and dietary modifications can make the most impact.
Nutrition should be the first line of defense for preventative care, and not just a Hail Mary change because of a diagnosis.
No matter where you are in your health journey, you can get immediate and powerful benefits just by changing the food/beverage you are putting in your body.
We will not recommend a diet, we will recommend a lifestyle transformation. Learning to eat for your blood type is just one of many ways we counsel each of our patients.