SEPTEMBER 28, 2018

Do you know what your Blood Type is?
The topic of whether or not ones blood type can determine their health is often debated. In my practice I find the data to be primarily accurate. Sure, lifestyle factors, strong/weak constitutes, and spiritual influence can play a significant role in one’s wellbeing, but for the most part it is believed that your blood type has the ability to determine: best and worst foods for digestion/absorption, exercise needs, personality traits, beneficial medical strategies, and specific health risks.
👉🏼Here are some key things your blood type can affect:
1. Memory
People with the AB blood type are, according to a recent study from the University of Vermont, 82 percent more likely to develop memory and thinking problems that eventually turn into dementia. Dr. Cushman, the head of the study, said that vascular issues can “contribute to memory problems.” As type B ages, they have a tendency to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. Both blood types should strive to stay sharp by spending twenty minutes a day involved in some creative task that requires your complete concentration, such as writing, crossword puzzles or learning a new skill or language.
2. Heart Disease
Your blood type can have an impact on diseases such as heart attack, stroke and thrombosis. A study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that non-O blood groups have at least a 60 percent higher chance of developing dangerous blood clots, and an increased risk of coronary heart disease. However, like in most of these situations, lifestyle and prescribed medications can have a much bigger impact on risk, and tip the probability of something going wrong in the opposite direction.
3. Gastrointestinal conditions
It seems that people with blood type A are more likely to get gastric cancer, and people with blood type O are more likely than others to develop a peptic ulcer. Type O seem to have a hardy digestive system if cared for, but they must chew food slowly and put the fork down between bites of food. O’s must also eat all meals, even snacks, seated at a table. Type A should eat more protein at the start of the day, less at the end. They should not skip meals and low stomach acid makes digestion more difficult.
4. Cancer
Good news for type O’s. The O blood type has been linked with a reduced risk of getting a range of cancer types, including colorectal, pancreatic and stomach cancer. On the other hand, blood type A has a higher risk of cancer. Due to the low amount of stomach acids this blood type produces, digestion is a weak link, giving way to degenerating body systems and ultimately leading to abnormal cell growth. Blood type A has little room to “cheat”.
5. Diabetes
A 2015 study of 82,000 women found that blood types A and B were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
6. Vegetarian and meat-based diets
Blood type A are better off as vegetarians, and blood type O are set up to be meat eaters. While blood type B and AB need to steer clear of chicken, and every blood type needs to avoid ham and pork.
Things that make you go hmmmmm...
7. Malaria
People with type O blood come out the winners here, as they have some protection from the worst types of malaria. Researchers have found that this is because the type of protein secreted by the mosquito tends to bind better with blood cells that are type A rather than type O. Blood type A for the loss again👎🏻
👉🏼Here are some **personality traits** ascribed to blood types:
•Blood Type A:
👍🏻Best Traits: Conservative, introverted, reserved, patient, punctual and inclined to be perfectionists.
👎🏻Worst Traits: Obsessive, stubborn, self conscious and uptight.
- Referred to as ‘farmers’, Type A’s are said to be considerate of others and loyal to a fault. They can also be secretive and reluctant to share their feelings. Because their mind is always going yet they do not share, it’s best to take at least two breaks of twenty minutes during the work day. Stretch, take a walk, do deep breathing exercises or meditate. They function better with eight hours of sleep, but as soon as you get up, get going, don’t linger.
•Blood Type B:
🐀𣐼est Traits: Animal-loving, creative, flexible, individualistic, optimistic and passionate.
👎🏻Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible and self-centered.
- Referred to as ‘hunters’, Type B’s have very independent natures and tend not to be concerned of what people think of them. Yet type Bs are natural born networkers. When they engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity it gives them a meaningful connection to a group. They are often described as shallow and lazy, but they can be quite passionate about the things they hold dear. Patience is not their strong suit either.
•Blood Type AB:
👍🏻Best Traits: Cool, controlled, empathic, introverted and rational.
👎🏻Worst Traits: Aloof, controlling, critical, indecisive, resist change and unforgiving.
- Referred to as ‘humanists’, Type AB’s are said to be controlled more by their heads, than by their hearts. Best suited to make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once. They are rational, good with money, but unpredictable. Some consider them two-faced, and even untrustworthy. Although inclined to be distant, they prefer harmony and work well with mediators. Avoid ritualistic thinking and fixating on issues, especially those you can’t control or influence.
•Blood Type O:
👍🏻Best Traits: Ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident.
👎🏻Worst Traits: Arrogant, insensitive, ruthless and vain.
- Referred to as ‘warriors’, Type O’s are viewed as natural leaders and are often, also, natural athletes. They tend to be outgoing, expressive and passionate, but can also bore others to death with their obsessive drive for success coupled with their absolute convictions that they are winners. This certainty that they will always win explains why they aren’t afraid to take risks or gamble. Avoid making big decisions or spending money when stressed. They have a strong physical presence and are unlikely to ever be overlooked. They develop clear plans for goals and tasks far more than the other blood types. When a pleasure releasing-substance (alcohol, tobacco, sugar) is craved, do something physical instead to avoid the draw.
‼️All of this information and I’ve only uncovered a fraction of the findings.
I’ve been eating for my blood type for 15 years, hubby and kids do as well. But do we follow it to a T 100% of the time? No. Nor do we eat all the foods on our beneficial list just because it says we can. But avoiding our avoids drastically changes how food makes us feel.
❓Want to learn more but unsure of you or your family’s blood type? It’s a quick and virtually painless process. Contact me for more details.