MAY 2, 2023
A few Brazil Nuts a day keep selenium deficiency away.
Brazil nuts are one of the healthiest nuts available, particularly due to their unusually high selenium content. A one-ounce serving, approximately 6 nuts, provides over 700% DV of selenium! Therefore only 2-3 nuts would provide plenty of nutrition. Too much of a good thing can be an issue here, so don’t overindulge.
The nuts have an impressive mineral and vitamin profile as they contain thiamin, vitamins E and C, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and L-arginine. They provide high-protein, low carbohydrates; while 85% of their calories come from fats, primarily from omega-6 fatty acids.
Selenium is a trace mineral that is extremely vital for the body as it has strong antioxidant power, fights free radicals, and reduces inflammation, thus boosting overall health.
Benefiting: thyroid function, immune system, heart health, digestion, mental health, stress, weight management, skin, hair...and, to many it’s called a “testosterone superfood.”
Surprisingly, studies show that close to one billion people worldwide suffer from selenium deficiency and are totally unaware.
I recommend this nut as one of the best pure forms of selenium.
It is important to note that it’s best to eat Brazil nuts quickly when they are out of their shell, as the high content of fat makes these nuts go bad quickly.
In our house, we incorporate 2-3 Brazil nuts a few days a week for each person so our batch doesn’t have a chance to go bad.
Go ahead and get nutty - about Brazil nuts!